Newsletter #24
November Newsletter 2019
Download : November 2019
Club Closed Fun Day:
If you came to the Fun Day and enjoyed the atmosphere of the day, and also entered the events held on the 3rd November, you will know who the Club Champion for 2019 is, and the winners of the B Singles, Junior Singles and Hard Bat Singles. The official results will be in next month’s issue.
Annual General Meeting:
The AGM for 2019 was held at 7.30pm in Clubrooms on Wednesday 30th October, and this issue has been held back to publish our new Committee for 2020.
President – David Lowe
Vice President – Audrey Swanbury
Secretary – Karen von Einem
Treasurer – Nada Hardi
Committee – David & Kevin Malyschko, Malcolm Boyley, Glenn Errington, Richard Grant.
Air Conditioning Grant
At the Committee Meeting on 2nd October 3, 2019 we had a visit from Joe Szakacs MP, the State Member for Cheltenham who presented the framed notice of the grant for $13,000.00
He was a likeable person and very interested in the club and sport in his electorate and stayed for an hour.
We thank our Sponsors: City of Charles Sturt, Rosewater Tyres, Tony Stacey Consulting.